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“Seven Pauses” is a series designed to make learning how to get grounded and stay there longer more accessible to everyone. Each Pause focuses on different techniques and practices to help individuals navigate and find balance in their lives. These Pauses offer an introduction to Poly Vagal Theory, an emergent way to understand how the brain and body interact, what makes us tick the way we do and how to get a grip when things seem out of control.

This knowledge will help you to:

  • Resource others from a centered perspective
  • Increase your own health, wellbeing, and digestion
  • Allow you to move through trauma stored in the body

Perhaps most importantly, understanding the basic structure of neurobiology takes the guess work out of self-care and caring for others. Learning to self-regulate is the greatest gift you can give yourself.


The companion digital workbook acts as a valuable tool, providing participants with reflective exercises, thought-provoking prompts, practical strategies, and on-the-go audio exercises are also accessed with the purchase of this package. Combined with the workbook they serve as a personal guide, helping individuals to deepen their learning, apply the concepts discussed in the webinar, and integrate the teachings and insights gained from each pause into their daily lives.

With the inclusion of on-the-go audio exercises, participants can engage in experiential learning even during their busy schedules. These audio exercises offer a convenient way to practice self-regulation techniques, enhance mindfulness, and strengthen their connection to themselves and others. Whether it’s a quick breathing exercise, a guided meditation, or a calming visualization, these audio exercises provide accessible support for participants to maintain their journey of self-discovery and personal growth beyond the webinar sessions.


The first Pause introduces Polyvagal Theory and emphasizes the role of the vagus nerve in stress regulation. It explores how intentional deep breathing can activate vagal pathways and promote a sense of safety and well-being.

The second Pause highlights the importance of co-regulation and creating connections with others. It encourages the reciprocal sharing of signals of safety and connection to tap into our innate capacity for compassion and safety.

In the third Pause, the concept of neuroception is explored, which involves how our brains scan for cues of danger and safety. Recognizing cues of safety is crucial for returning to a regulated state.

The fourth Pause addresses stress and anxiety, discussing their impact on our bodies and providing strategies for managing them. It emphasizes the importance of listening to our bodies, self-care, and stress management techniques like breathing and time management.

The fifth Pause explores the connection between our nervous systems and how it influences our interactions with others. It highlights the significance of self-regulation before being able to regulate others and offers grounding techniques for achieving that state.

The sixth Pause focuses on cultivating hope in the face of environmental trauma and overwhelming forces. It highlights the importance of self-regulation, promoting safety, calmness, self-efficacy, connectedness, and instilling hope for building resilience.

The seventh and final Pause explores resilience under duress. It emphasizes gratitude, self-regulation, and compassion as key elements of resilience. It encourages individuals to take care of themselves and show up for others with compassion, curiosity, and consistency to support their resilience.

Overall, “Seven Pauses” provides valuable insights, practical techniques, and a holistic approach to help individuals regulate their emotions, navigate challenges, and cultivate resilience in their lives.