Introduction to Polyvagal Concepts and Equine Therapy: March 6, 2023
This event is no longer available for registration. Contact us for additional details.
Event Location:
This is a virtual workshop that will be conducted via zoom.
March 6, 2023
9:30am – 11:00am Pacific Standard Time (PST)
Facilitated By:
Margie McDonald and Dr. Rebecca Bailey have worked together for thirty-plus years in a variety of capacities, often incorporating horses, psychology, and communication skills. Margie is an esteemed horse trainer and human whisperer and Rebecca is a nationally recognized psychologist with a lifetime love of horses.
The Workshop:
Curious about our methods and techniques? This session is intended to provide answers to questions regarding Polyvagal Equine Institute’s perspective on horsework and the incorporation of polyvagal informed concepts. We encourage anyone interested in PVEI’s emerging body of work to attend this informative splash into our world.
Who is it for?:
Open to anyone interested (both personally or professionally) that wants to know more about Polyvagal Equine Institute’s innovative work.
Event Details
Date: March 06, 2023
Start time: 09:30 a.m. PDT
End time: 11:00 a.m. PDT
Venue: Zoom Event