Level 2 Certification: PVEI Advanced and Enhanced: June 3-4, 2023


This event is no longer available for registration. Contact us for additional details.


Event Location:
Northern California, contact us for additional details at: Sue@PolyvagalEquineInstitute.com

The workshop is conducted over 2 days. Deadline to apply, May 1, 2023.

June 3 – 4, 2023 (9:30am – 3:30pm each day)

Facilitated By:
Margie McDonald and Dr. Rebecca Bailey have worked together for thirty-plus years in a variety of capacities, often incorporating horses, psychology, and communication skills. Margie is an esteemed horse trainer and human whisperer and Rebecca is a nationally recognized psychologist with a lifetime love of horses.

The Workshop:
This comprehensive course is to be completed after taking the in-person 3 day portion of Level 1 certification and is available in two different advanced tracks, based on the profession of the applicant; the Advanced Mental Health track and the Advanced Equine Professional Track. See below for specific focuses of each track.

In the Advanced Mental Health Track, You Will Learn:

  • List and explain the three organizing principles of the Polyvagal theory.
  • Explain trauma responses from a perspective that connects the autonomic nervous system to adaptive and maladaptive responses to life threats.
  • Apply Polyvagal Theory to the treatment of trauma.
  • Discuss the importance of the emphasis on the autonomic nervous system, in particular the vagus nerve, in assisting clients in moving out of “stuck “ perspectives.
  • PVEI Level 2 Certification (valid 2 year from date of completion of all requirements)(Digital Format)
  • Develop tools to assist in interventions and treatment of entrenched individuals.

In the Advanced Equine Professional Track, You Will Learn:

  • How to design horse exercises and activities that demonstrate and teach the Polyvagal Principles .
  • Identify the different personality traits of the horses in your herd and how to best include them in this type of work.
  • Develop an equine program that will address various populations and clientele.
  • Experience, learn and practice skills needed to facilitate equine activities.

Included in Package:

  • 6 Month PVEI on-demand learning course
  • 2 days of in-person training (June 3-4)
  • PVEI Manual: Level 2
  • PVEI Level 2 Certification (valid 2 year from date of completion of all requirements)(Digital Format)
  • Lunch (provided each day of the program)
  • Listed as an educational provider on the PVEI website (Must maintain Level 2 status in good standing to be eligible)
  • Permission to use PVEI standing on your website or program
  • Exclusive PVEI member perks for Level 2 Certificate holders

Who is it for?:
Open to qualified mental health professionals and equine professionals only.


  • Must have completed PVEI Level 1 certification or be in the process of doing so.
  • Must meet certain emotional and professional safety criteria to advance.

Requirements to Receive Level 2 Certification:

  • Completion of all requirements for Level 1 Certification
  • Completion of 2 day Advanced Workshop (June 3-4)
  • Completion of Safe Horse Handling Test (Equine Professionals only)
  • Completion of a post-assessment to test your knowledge

Valid for 2 years upon completion of all requirements. After initial 2 years, an annual requirement of 12 hours of extended education through PVEI, PVI, or other approved conferences is required to remain certified.

Event Details

Date: June 03, 2023

Start time: 09:30 a.m. PST

End time: 03:30 p.m. PST

Email: office@polyvagalequineinstitute.com

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