Event Location:
Northern California, contact us for additional details at: Sue@PolyvagalEquineInstitute.com
- The workshop is conducted over 2 days.
- August 26-27, 2023
- 9:30am – 3:00pm each day
Facilitated By:
Margie McDonald and Dr. Rebecca Bailey have worked together for thirty-plus years in a variety of capacities, often incorporating horses, psychology, and communication skills. Margie is an esteemed horse trainer and human whisperer and Rebecca is a nationally recognized psychologist with a lifetime love of horses.
The Workshop:
- Meet your nervous system - Learn Polyvagal Principles to enhance your personal and professional presence
- Learn how horses are the best teachers for embodied learning
- Increase self - awareness
- Improve communication skills
- Learn self care skills
- Increase social connection
- Connect with yourself and others in a healthier and productive way
Bonus Workshop Item:
Lunch (provided both days)
Who is it for?:
Open to all individuals, private groups, and organizations.
Event Details
Date: August 26, 2023
Start time: 09:30 a.m. PDT
End time: 03:30 p.m. PDT
Email: office@polyvagalequineinstitute.com