Wisdom of the Horse: Enhance Your Professional Presence and Practice
Polyvagal principles for therapists, coaches, and anyone seeking professional development. By utilizing horses, professional will learn how to better assist their clients and communities.

- The workshop is conducted over 3.5 days. April 1st – April 4th:
- April 1st-3rd are full days (9:30am – 3:00pm each day)
- April 4th is a half day (9:30am – 12:30pm)
Facilitated By:
Margie McDonald and Dr. Rebecca Bailey have worked together for thirty-plus years in a variety of capacities, often incorporating horses, psychology, and communication skills. Margie is an esteemed horse trainer and human whisperer and Rebecca is a nationally recognized psychologist with a lifetime love of horses.
The Workshop:
Together, Rebecca and Margie’s experiences combine to present a master class in Equine-assisted communication. This informative and entertaining workshop is designed to expand participants’ understanding of Polyvagal theory and equine-assisted communication. This class is a prerequisite for the advanced PVI certificate.
Bonus Workshop Items:
- Polyvagal Equine Institute T-Shirt
- Lunch by Chef Charles Holmes (provided only on the 3 full days)
Dates / Location / Price
The workshop will be conducted in person April 1 – 4, 2022.
Northern California, contact us for additional details at: Equine@ConnectionFocusedTherapy.com
How Much?
$1,650 per person
Covid-19 Protocol
Covid-19 compliant face coverings are required at all times.

Space is extremely limited.