Level 1 Certification: PVEI Foundations (August 11-13, 2023)
This in person workshop is intended for Individuals, mental health professionals, coaches, and equine professionals.

- The workshop is conducted over 3 days.
- August 11-13, 2023
- 9:30am – 3:30pm each day
Facilitated By:
Margie McDonald and Dr. Rebecca Bailey have worked together for thirty-plus years in a variety of capacities, often incorporating horses, psychology, and communication skills. Margie is an esteemed horse trainer and human whisperer and Rebecca is a nationally recognized psychologist with a lifetime love of horses.
The Workshop:
This comprehensive course is intended to provide an experiential opportunity to learn, understand, and operationalize PVEI concepts. Level 1 Certification qualifies you to utilize PVEI best practices in education and training (you’ll be able to share your knowledge with other people – professional or personal, and you’ll have a manual and materials).
You will learn:
- Polyvagal concepts and principles and their application to equine interventions
- Identify Nervous system states
- Increase awareness of two-way nervous systems interact
- Skills to shift and regulate when activated
- Recognize tools that lead to more effective 2-way interactions and communication
- Learn Self-regulation tools
- Identify personal activators
- Redefine how mindfulness is used
- Internalize and support a sense of safety and social connection
- Alternative hypothesis active and reactive behavior
- Learn the art of stepping back (power of the pause)
- Effective collaboration
- Embody the flow states (play, creativity, music, recreation)
Included in Package:
- 1 Year of PVEI Membership
- 6 Month PVEI on-demand learning course
- 3 days of in-person training (August 11-13)
- PVEI Manual: Level 1
- PVEI Level 1 Certification (valid 2 year from date of completion of all requirements)
- Lunch (provided each day of the program)
Who is it for?:
Open to all individuals, mental health professionals, coaches, and equine professionals.
Pre-requisite to Join:
Requirements to Receive Level 1 Certification:
- Completion of 3 day Foundations Workshop (August 11-13)
- Completion of 6 Month PVEI on-demand learning course
- Completion of PVEI Fundamentals webinar
- Completion of Horse Safety Video
- Completion of a post-assessment to test your knowledge
Dates / Location / Price
The workshop will be conducted in person August 11-13, 2023.
Northern California, contact us for additional details at: Sue@PolyvagalEquineInstitute.com
How Much?
$2,100 per person (Early Bird Pricing. Sign up before July 11, 2023 for $1,800 per person)
Covid-19 Protocol
- If unvaccinated: Must wear mask indoors and outside
- If vaccinated and current on boosters: No mask required per WHO recommendation
PVEI Level 2 Certification
PVEI Level 2 certification is available either as part of the Level 1 certification process or as an additional component later. For full details, view the PVEI Level 2 certification page.

Space is extremely limited.